/ about me

I am currently studying Telecommunication Engineering at Tangail Polytechnic Institute, with a focus in Web Development.

I am a self-motivated Frontend Web developer with huge knowledge and proficiency in this section, as well as strong skills and ability in writing clean and efficient code. I am Skilled in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, MongoDB, NodeJS. My passion is to learn new Technologies. My aim is to be a Full Stack Web Developer.


/ skills

# comfortable

  • HTML & CSS
  • JavaScript ES6+
  • Bootstrap
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Material UI
  • React Js
  • React Router
  • Firebase
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • JSON
  • Responsive Web Design

# familiar

  • Styled Components
  • Redux
  • Node Js (Basic)
  • Express Js (Basic)
  • React Native (Basic)
  • Next Js (Basic)
  • SASS
  • TypeScript

# tools

  • Heroku
  • Netlify
  • Github
  • JWT Token
  • Chrome Developer Tools
  • Adobe XD
  • Figma

/ projects

Binder App

This is tinder lite or you can say a clone of tinder. This is just the landing page full stack is on...

Technologies: Next.js, Daisy UI, Tailwind CSS, Font Awesome, Responsive Design, Express, Mongoose, Nodejs

Apartment Selling Site

An application created for Apartment Selling Agency Its a full Stack operation site, Apartment fis i...

Technologies: React js, Firebase, Bootstrap, React Router, Node js, Express Js

Travel Agency Application

An application created for A Travel agency, its a full stace site and super performanced, TravelGo i...

Technologies: React js, Firebase, Bootstrap, React Router, Node js, Express Js

Football League

A simple static site for a football league, it can be used to attract customers to the football leag...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

Teacher World

Its a simple react application for hiring best teachers to tutor, Getting Started with Teacher Hire ...

Technologies: React js, React Router, React Bootstrap


NFT MARIA - A NFT Based Blockchain Game Landing Page, This is a just proctice on web3 related nft pr...

Technologies: Next.js, Daisy UI, Tailwind CSS, Font Awesome, Responsive Design, Express, Mongoose, Nodejs

E-learny for learners

Its a learning application like Udemy, coursera, alison. Welcome to Elearny - a learning site Elearn...

Technologies: React, Json, Api, React Bootstrap

Food Nerds

Its a simple static site that can be used to attract customers to the restoutents to eat good foods ...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Responsive Design

Food Lovers Res.

Great UI site for a resturent, it can be used to accomulate customers to the resturent...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

Applab Agency

A simple static site for a applab agency, it can be used to attract customers to the applab agency...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

Bike Shop

A simple static site for a bike shop, it can be used to attract customers to the bike shop...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

Unique Tech

A simple static site for a unique tech, it can be used to attract customers to the unique tech...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

Penguin Fasion

A simple static site for a penguin fasion, it can be used to attract customers to the penguin fasion...

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Font Awesome, Responsive Design

CONTACT INFO : +8801985879316